Cruise ID: SKQ202008S Multibeam System: EM302/EM710 Dates: June 24, 2020 The University of Alaska’s UNOLS vessel R/V Sikuliaq(SKQ) is equipped with Kongsberg Maritime EM302 and EM710 multibeam echosounders and a Seapath320 positioning / attitude system The Multibeam Advisory Committee (MAC) was asked to assist with Quality Assurance Testing (QAT) of the ship’s EM302 and EM710 ahead of the 2020 field season; due to widespread travel restrictions, MAC personnel provided remote support for line planning and data analysis from shore Attached Documents Report: SKQ202008S_SIKULIAQ_EM302_EM710_calibration_report_20200625Download Related Information Cruise Data at R2R