in technical-team


Acoustic Noise Team: Conducts baseline testing and analysis of acoustic noise properties of vessels, and provides that information to the MAC for archiving and dissemination.

  • 2016 Bat Galim Acoustic Test Report

    Cruise ID: AT43-02 Multibeam System: EM124/Seapath 380 Dates: July 18-21, 2021 The R/V Atlantis replaced its EM122 multibeam echosounder with an EM124 upgrade during the 2020-21 midlife refit period; a Seapath 380 position/attitude system was installed to replace the PHINS as the primary feed to the multibeam mapping system. Attached Documents Report: Related Information

  • 2015 Kilo Moana Acoustic Test Report

    Vessel: R/V Kilo Moana Multibeam System: EM122 Dates: August, 2015 Attached Documents Report: Related Information

  • 2014 Sikuliaq Acoustic Test Report

    Vessel: R/V Sikuliaq Multibeam System: EM302/EM710 Dates: September 12-18, 2014 Gates Acoustic Services was tasked by University of Alaska, Fairbanks, to investigate and quantify acoustic issues associated with operation of the R/V SIKULIAQ. An at-sea investigation was accomplished during ship operations in deep water out of San Juan, Puerto Rico on September 12-18, 2014. During…

  • 2012 Kilo Moana Acoustic Test Report

    Vessel: R/V Kilo Moana Multibeam System: EM122 Dates: 2012 KILO MOANA’s acoustic signature was higher than previous acoustical data due to electronic noise interference. The levels in the EM 122 sonar operational frequency of 12 kHz were also higher than historic data. A significant problem was noted with numerous elements of the EM 122 sonar…

  • 2012 Melville Acoustic Test Report

    Vessel: R/V Melville Multibeam System: EM122 Dates: January 2012 R/V MELVILLE acoustic signature was successfully measured during this acoustic test. The levels of the EM 122 were controlled by a combination of propeller and anti-roll tank transients. Attached Documents Report: Related Information Vessel Data at R2R

  • 2011 Atlantis Acoustic Test Report

    Vessel ID: R/V Atlantis Multibeam System: EM122 Dates: June 2011 The R/V Atlantis replaced its EM122 multibeam echosounder with an EM124 upgrade during the 2020-21 The acoustic signature of R/V ATLANTIS was successfully measured during this acoustic test. The levels of the EM 122 were controlled by a combination of flow noise and gondola cavitation.…

  • 2010 Kilo Moana Acoustic Test Report

    Vessel: R/V Kilo Moana Multibeam System: EM122Dates: September 2010 KILO MOANA’s acoustic signature was comparable to previous acoustical data with one noted exception. The levels in the EM 122 sonar operational frequency of 12 kHz were similar to historic data. A new problem was discovered that was associated with engine and switching room air handler…

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