Cruise ID: AR42-02
Multibeam System: EM122/EM710
Dates: February 26-27 2020
1. Calibrations (‘patch tests’) were planned for the EM122 and EM710 multibeam echosounders on R/V Neil Armstrong during AR42-02 following the winter 2019-20 maintenance period. Calibration sites were developed opportunistically along a transit route in the vicinity of the western Florida escarpment.
2. The EM710 was most recently calibrated during AR41 in November 2019; due to elevated sea state, the scope of AR41 was narrowed and the EM122 calibration planned for that cruise was removed from the schedule.
3. The AR42 calibration results were small for both systems, indicating stable system performance and no significant changes since the Sea Acceptance Testing (AR0103) for both systems in early 2016 and EM710 calibration in 2019.
4. The results presented in this report should be applied at the start of the 2020 field season and used until any sensors (arrays, GNSS antennas, or IMU) are modified or the need for additional calibration becomes apparent.
5. For additional background information, please refer to the 2016 Sea Acceptance Trials and the 2019 Quality Assurance Testing reports available on the MAC website. (
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