2024 R/V Sally Ride EM712/EM124 QAT & Seapath 380-R3 SAT

Ship ID: R/V Sally Ride Multibeam System: EM712/EM124/Seapath 380-R3 Dates: April 3-5, 2024 R/V Sally Ride (SR) received an upgrade of its Seapath 330 navigation system to dual Seapath 380s The primary Seapath 380 employs a new Seapath MGC-R3 (“Seapath 380-R3”) and the secondary Seapath 380 uses the pre-existing MRU 5+ (“Seapath 380-5+”); both systems are logged by the EM124 and EM712 While no changes were made to the MRU 5+ installation, the original Seapath antenna locations were modified for a longer baseline and a second antenna pair was added; all Seapath antennas are NovAtel GNSS-850 units A new survey was conducted by Westlake Consultants to determine the installation offsets of the new MGC-R3 and new antenna locations using the existing reference frame (established by IMTEC during the 2021 SBP29 installation and EM124 topside upgrade) The Sally Ride conducted routine quality assurance testing (QAT) between April 3-5, 2023, focusing on:

2024 R/V Armstrong EM712/EM124 SAT

Cruise ID: AR81-02 Multibeam System: EM124/EM712 Dates: March 14-20, 2024 R/V Neil Armstrong (AR) received several significant upgrades to its multibeam mapping systems during the 2023-24 winter shipyard period in Charleston, South Carolina Primary upgrades included: Replacement of the original EM122 with an EM124 (1.0° TX / 2.0° RX) Replacement of the original EM710 with an EM712 (0.5° TX / 1.0° RX) Installation of a Seapath 380-R3 navigation system with a MGC-R3 Comprehensive new survey of vessel and sensor offsets by Aegis Metrology Installation of new permanent benchmarks at strategic hull locations The MAC was asked to assist with conducting Sea Acceptance Testing (SAT) of the new EM124 and EM712 systems using the Seapath 380-R3; SAT work for a new SBP29 was carried out in tandem by other teams Due to schedule constraints, the MAC provided remote support from shore throughout the SAT; the on-board mapping team included SSSG personnel

2024 R/V Revelle EM712/EM124 QAT

Cruise ID: RR2401 Multibeam System: EM712/EM124 Dates: February 12, 2024 During the winter 2023-24 maintenance period, the R/V Roger Revelle (RR) underwent significant engine work and received a new Seapath 380 receiver and HMI (the MRU 5+ and antennas were not modified) The Multibeam Advisory Committee (MAC) was asked to assist with routine Quality Assurance Testing (QAT) for the ship’s multibeam echosounders; due to scheduling conflicts, the MAC provided remote support for planning and data analysis leading up to and throughout the QAT Planning followed the standard MAC SAT/QAT checklist, starting with configuration review, hardware health, and noise testing following the engine work; calibrations for both systems were carried out at proven sites near San Diego used by a variety of vessels (e.g., 2023 Sally Ride EM124 and EM712 QAT) Dockside configuration reviews indicated a rollback to outdated offsets for the EM124 (e.g., potentially by loading an older PU parameters

2024 R/V Sikuliaq EM304 MKII/EM710 SAT

Cruise ID: SKQ202403S Multibeam System: EM304 MKII/EM710 Dates: February 2024 R/V Sikuliaq (SKQ) received several significant upgrades to its multibeam mapping systems during the 2023-24 winter shipyard period in Seward, Alaska Conditions in the shipyard were extreme and complicated all work related to these upgrades; although many components of the winter work package were curtailed by these conditions, the UAF and Kongsberg teams completed all major mapping priority projects: Complete replacement of the original EM302 with an EM304 MKII system (0.5° TX / 1.0° RX) Addition of one Seapath 380-R3 navigation systems with a primary MGC serving the ship and mapping systems; a secondary MGC also serve the ship and acts as a spare for the Seapath 380 / mapping system Comprehensive new survey of vessel and sensor offsets by Westlake Consultants Installation of new permanent benchmarks at strategic hull locations Planned replacement of the EM710 RX array was not

2023 R/V Healy EM122 QAT Report

Cruise ID: HLY23TAMultibeam System: EM122Dates: May 23 – July 13, 2023 The USCGC Healy (HLY) is equipped with a Kongsberg Maritime EM122 multibeam echosounder (1° TX x 2° RX) with Seapath 330+ (primary) and Applanix Oceanmaster POS MV (secondary) navigation systems The original EM122 RX array modules on USCGC Healy were found to be failing during recent impedance testing; these modules were replaced with lightly used units (donated from a NAVO vessel undergoing an EM124 upgrade) during the 2022-23 maintenance period at Mare Island Dry Dock in Vallejo, CA The Multibeam Advisory Committee (MAC) was asked to assist with Quality Assurance Testing (QAT) of the ship’s multibeam echosounder and Sea Acceptance Testing (SAT) of the ‘new’ RX array ahead of the 2023 field season; due to scheduling constraints, MAC personnel provided remote support for line planning and data analysis Attached Documents Report: HEALY_2023_EM122_QAT_report_v1p0Download Related Information Vessel Data at R2R

2023 R/V Kilo Moana EM122/EM710 QAT Report

Vessel ID: R/V Kilo Moana Multibeam System: EM122/EM710 Dates: March 21-22, 2023 KM 2023 QAT Executive Summary The University of Hawaii’s UNOLS vessel R/V Kilo Moana (KM) is equipped with Kongsberg Maritime EM122 and EM710 multibeam echosounders and an Applanix POS MV-320 V5 Ocean Master navigation system R/V Kilo Moana conducted pre-season Quality Assurance Testing (QAT) for the EM122 and EM710 multibeam mapping systems during gear trials over March 21-22, 2023 Because no hardware changes were made to the mapping systems since the 2022 post-shipyard QAT, the limited time available for the 2023 QAT was used to conduct deepwater accuracy testing and noise testing to build on the 2022 QAT (i.e., no new patch tests) Pre- and post-shipyard noise testing conducted in March and May 2022 had indicated elevated but stable noise levels the previous field season (see 2022 report) RX noise testing in October 2022 revealed significant increases in

2023 R/V Sikuliaq EM302/EM710 QAT Report

Cruise ID: SKQ202306T Multibeam System: EM302/EM710 Dates: April 11, 2023 The University of Alaska’s UNOLS vessel R/V Sikuliaq (SKQ) is equipped with Kongsberg Maritime EM302 andEM710 multibeam echosounders and a Seapath 320 positioning / attitude system Following a routine maintenance visit from Kongsberg to SKQ in January, the Multibeam Advisory Committee(MAC) was asked to assist with Quality Assurance Testing (QAT) of the ship’s EM302 and EM710 ahead of the2023 field season; MAC personnel provided remote support for line planning and data analysis from shore MAC communication with SKQ personnel (Ethan Roth) commenced in winter 2022-23 with planning forcalibrations (‘patch tests’) for both systems at two proven calibration sites off Washington: EM302 at a site used by R/V Thomas G.