Cruise ID: SKQ202306T Multibeam System: EM302/EM710 Dates: April 11, 2023 The University of Alaska’s UNOLS vessel R/V Sikuliaq (SKQ) is equipped with Kongsberg Maritime EM302 andEM710 multibeam echosounders and a Seapath 320 positioning / attitude system Following a routine maintenance visit from Kongsberg to SKQ in January, the Multibeam Advisory Committee(MAC) was asked to assist with Quality Assurance Testing (QAT) of the ship’s EM302 and EM710 ahead of the2023 field season; MAC personnel provided remote support for line planning and data analysis from shore MAC communication with SKQ personnel (Ethan Roth) commenced in winter 2022-23 with planning forcalibrations (‘patch tests’) for both systems at two proven calibration sites off Washington: EM302 at a site used by R/V Thomas G.