2012 Falkor Multibeam Echosounder System Review Vessel: R/V Falkor Multibeam System: EM302/EM710 Dates: May 2012 RV Falkor is equipped with Kongsberg Maritime (KM) EM302 and EM710 multibeam echosounders (MBES). Continue Reading →
Cookbook: SIS Software Install SIS Software InstallDownload Powerpoint: SIS Software InstallDownload Continue Reading →
Introduction to Patch Tests Basic overview of how and why to conduct a patch test. Continue Reading →
Cookbook: SIS Configuration Backup SIS Configuration BackupDownload SIS Configuration BackupDownload Continue Reading →
Cookbook: SIS Software Uninstall SIS Software UninstallDownload SIS Software UninstallDownload Continue Reading →
Cookbook: SIS Startup Recommended basic settings for MB data acquisition using SIS 3.8.3 SIS StartupDownload Continue Reading →