Cruise ID: SKQ202403S Multibeam System: EM304 MKII/EM710 Dates: February 2024 R/V Sikuliaq (SKQ) received several significant upgrades to its multibeam mapping systems during the 2023-24 winter shipyard period in Seward, Alaska Conditions in the shipyard were extreme and complicated all work related to these upgrades; although many components of the winter work package were curtailed by these conditions, the UAF and Kongsberg teams completed all major mapping priority projects: Complete replacement of the original EM302 with an EM304 MKII system (0.5° TX / 1.0° RX) Addition of one Seapath 380-R3 navigation systems with a primary MGC serving the ship and mapping systems; a secondary MGC also serve the ship and acts as a spare for the Seapath 380 / mapping system Comprehensive new survey of vessel and sensor offsets by Westlake Consultants Installation of new permanent benchmarks at strategic hull locations Planned replacement of the EM710 RX array was not