Vessel ID: R/V Kilo Moana Multibeam System: EM122/EM710 Dates: March 21-22, 2023 KM 2023 QAT Executive Summary The University of Hawaii’s UNOLS vessel R/V Kilo Moana (KM) is equipped with Kongsberg Maritime EM122 and EM710 multibeam echosounders and an Applanix POS MV-320 V5 Ocean Master navigation system R/V Kilo Moana conducted pre-season Quality Assurance Testing (QAT) for the EM122 and EM710 multibeam mapping systems during gear trials over March 21-22, 2023 Because no hardware changes were made to the mapping systems since the 2022 post-shipyard QAT, the limited time available for the 2023 QAT was used to conduct deepwater accuracy testing and noise testing to build on the 2022 QAT (i.e., no new patch tests) Pre- and post-shipyard noise testing conducted in March and May 2022 had indicated elevated but stable noise levels the previous field season (see 2022 report) RX noise testing in October 2022 revealed significant increases in